Otome Games, Reviews

Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation- – Review

It’s taken me months thanks to busy irl things, but I’ve finally completed Shuuen no Virche and I have to say, I really enjoyed the game.

The premise of the game sounded intriguing, with the idea of a closed off island nation and themes of death so I knew the game was going to be pretty dark, but I didn’t expect it to be as much of an emotional ride as it has been. That’s always a major plus point for me so I am very glad I decided to play this. I love the art, and though the personalities of the LIs were hit and miss for me, there wasn’t a LI I hated and didn’t care about by the end of their route. Ceres stands out to me as a heroine. I wanted to keep playing to get to the next reveal. The game does have it’s flaws but overall it is a really solid game.

That being said, this game being so heavy also means I would not recommend it to everyone, especially if you are easily triggered by descriptions of violence and suicide.

*The rest of the post is not spoiler-free*

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Otome Games, Reviews

Olympia Soiree – Review

Olympia Soiree is the first otome game I’ve completed this year so yay to that. Back when it was first released in 2020, I was attracted by the art, but since I didn’t own a Switch back then, I just chucked it to the back of my mind. After I got my Switch I started browsing through the games available and this was one of the games I picked. I’ve only played the JP version, so I will not be commenting on localization quality.

When I first read the story and setting for Olympia Soiree, I was interested by how they would deal with the concept of a colour class system and discrimination. I wasn’t so keen on the ‘girl has to find a guy to marry’ plotline, but since the game is pretty and the worldbuilding seemed interesting I decided to give it a go. Really glad I did so, because this has been one of the games I’ve enjoyed playing more in recent years.

This probably already well known, but Olympia Soiree is probably not a game suitable for all players. The game has strong themes of discrimination, with the colour you were born with determining pretty much how much freedom and privileges you have in life. If you’re the wrong colour then well… be prepared to quite possibly live your entire life never seeing the sun. If you’re easily triggered by stuff like that or non-con scenes, it’s probably best to just avoid this game.

Overall I did enjoy the story of the game more than I’d expected. The character interactions were entertaining, LIs were rather interesting, and of course the art and music are both great. Olympia was a likeable heroine, though she starts out as a sheltered and rather naive girl.

*The rest of the post is not spoiler-free*

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Otome Games, Reviews

Piofiore no Banshou -ricordo- – Review


Since I finally got a Nintendo Switch I decided to try Piofiore no Banshou, what with 1926 recently released and all. I know the English ver (Fated Memories) came out earlier this year, but I played the Japanese one so I won’t be commenting on quality of translations and such.

What actually caught my eye for this game was the art, especially the number of different outfits and hairstyles Liliana had. I’m neutral about the mafia setting. Most of the reviews I read were positive, especially the ones for the eng ver, so I decided to give it a shot. Overall I had a decently fun time with it, but I wouldn’t say it’s one of my favourites.

Piofiore is real pretty to look at, but suffers from poor writing at parts. The personalities of the guys tend to flip-flop depending on the route. Liliana, while very cute, is not what you would usually consider a ‘strong heroine’. The plot wasn’t that interesting to me and the finale route was underwhelming. Still, the characters were for the most part entertaining enough that I didn’t consider this a waste of my time and it didn’t bore me.


If you love this game to bits you might want to stop reading here.

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Otome Games, Reviews

Hyakka Hyakurou(Nightshade) – Review


Yup I’m done with Hykka Hyakurou even though I just started on Thursday afternoon lol. So far this has been one of the shorter games I’ve played. I was really hyped about this game because the art was really pretty and the cast suits my taste, even though I am not particularly interested in the Sengoku period, or ninjas. I played the JP version so I cannot comment on localization quality.

There will be spoilers in this review. For those who want to avoid them just read this paragraph. I did enjoy my playthrough a lot so yes I would recommend this game. It’s not a long game but it’s packed with action and it’s fun. Art is great and music is nice. There isn’t much to complain about. In fact the more I played the game the more I liked it heh.

For summaries of the plot check this post instead.

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Otome Games, Reviews

Kamigami no Asobi InFinite – Review


Decided to get this out first. Kamigami no Asobi InFinite is the long awaited fandisc for Kamiaso. Originally announced for the PSP, Broccoli later decided it’ll also be released for the Vita. For those who’ve played the first game, interface and gameplay wise it will be very familiar. There will be spoilers in this review so if you want to avoid them just read the following paragraph and ignore the rest.

One thing I really feel strongly about is, don’t play this game without playing the first game. If you do that you’ll find yourself having to choose routes without knowing much about the characters and finding certain parts of the story VERY rushed. I think Broccoli quite clearly did not intend this game for first time kamiaso players. If you love the characters in the first game and just want more silliness from the gods and enjoy their quirks then you might enjoy this game. If you are looking for stellar storytelling and depth then probably not. Some parts of this game are very repetitive.

Now, back to the hakoniwa we go~

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Otome Games, Reviews

Reine des fleurs – Review


Doing a review of this game like I said I would. Reine des fleurs is a game I’ve been looking forward to and with all that pent up excitement I just blasted my way through the routes as fast as I could. It still took me slightly over a week so in a way this game is pretty long. 

No plot summaries because that’s all in the other post. I will touch on some of the plot points though so it’s not a spoiler free review. This is a long post coz of all the pictures. I’m not good at doing reviews so please bear with all the rambling >_<  If you are looking for information on the ravir system go to this post instead.

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Otome Games, Reviews

Hiiro no Kakera ~Omoiiro no Kioku~ – Review


There are already a ton of Hiiro no Kakera reviews out there so I was wondering if I should bother with this, but having played the game twice I want to say sth about it lol.

HnK was first released 10 years ago and since then it’s been ported to various platforms. The vita port contains the main story, the fandisc, as well as the bonus content that’s accumulated over the years from the other ports. HnK was the second otome game I played after Hakuouki so I bought this port partially for the nostalgia, and partially because the first time I played, I didn’t play it in Japanese.

It’s a very lengthy game with a lot of angst and drama. Probably not your cup of tea if you’re looking for something crisp and modern with a kickass heroine. The game is 10 years old after all. But if you’re willing to put up with that, and don’t mind the outdated looking graphics, it’s actually a pretty solid game overall. I did enjoy it a lot on my first playthrough.

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Otome Games, Reviews

Ken ga Kimi Momoyo Tsuzuri – Review


The fandisc to Ken ga Kimi. I took way too long to finish this lol. The first game was really good so I started playing this game with high expectations. Barring the irritating system, it did not disappoint. 

The game has a nice mix of sweet stories, drama, as well as tearjerkers. Everything I enjoyed about the first game is still here. In fact, in certain aspects I enjoyed it more than I did the first game. The only reason it has taken me months to finish is the system and my busy schedule this year. 

If you liked the first game do give this a try. Don’t play this without having played Ken ga Kimi, otherwise you probably won’t be able to follow what’s going on.

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Ken ga Kimi – Review


I just felt like doing one since I’ve pre-ordered the fandisc and it’s been a while since I’ve played a game this long that’s also this nice. It’s been a long time since Ken ga Kimi was first released and tbh I only started playing it on a whim since I’ve not that fond of playing VNs on the PC.

It’s a lengthy game with pretty art and music, and the characters are all interesting and unique. With all the recent games I’ve played being relatively short it was a good change of pace. The length reminds me of the older titles like Hiiro no Kakera and Jyuzaengi so it also felt rather nostalgic in a way lol.

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Otome Games, Reviews

CharadeManiacs Review


CharadeManiacs is one of the more satisfying titles I’ve played recently. The main draw for me initially was the art. I actually thought the premise of the game quite meh when it was first announced. Which is why I am so happy this game turned out more interesting than I’d expected.

The game’s primary plot revolves around finding out more about this world the characters have been brought to, and discovering who is the traitor amongst the midst so they can get back to their world. It’s all done in a way that’s still quite upbeat, so it’s not like the game spirals into Liar Game territory where everyone back stabs everyone left right and centre.

Mystery wise of course certain reveals mean more than others and probably not every reveal will come as a major surprise, but there were enough of them to keep me intrigued. The heroine’s decent, the characters are fun, and the whole game looks and sounds really good.

At this point if you’re already planning to play the game I’d suggest not reading the rest of the review to avoid clues and spoilers.

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